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Telegram bot for Amazon Affiliates

Amacapy is a program that uses a Telegram bot for Amazon Affiliates, with which you can automate your channels or groups of deals created on Telegram.

Modo 1 - Publicación en Telegram

How does the Telegram bot for Amazon Affiliates work?

Amacapy requires your Amazon ID (Affiliate tag), the Telegram Bot Token created with Bot Father, and the Chat ID of the Telegram group or channel.

Setup telegram bot for amazon affiliates

Amacapy works for the following regions: Germany, Brazil, Spain, India, Italy, and the United States.

“Products” Screen

On the “Home” screen of Amacapy, you can choose the region and product categories you want to search for. Once selected, press the “Slow Search” button, and it will start conducting the searches.

Amacapy, web scraping products on Amazon

While the products are appearing, you can manually add each one by pressing the “Add” button. These will be added to the “Products to Publish” page.

“Product To Publish” Screen

In this section, you can view the products you chose to publish on Telegram. You can rearrange them, modify their title, and also set the time interval for publishing each product.

Publish products of Amazon on Telegram

“Flash” Mode

In this mode, Amacapy searches for and publishes products automatically, without the need to manually choose each product. Here, you only need to select the Amazon region, the product category, and the time interval for publishing the products.

Requirements to use Amacapy:

Amacapy is available for Windows 10 x64.


  • WinRar installed.
  • Google Chrome installed for Amacapy to function.

Technologies used for the creation of this program:

Python, Beautiful Soup, Selenium y Flet.

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If you want to learn more about Amacapy, you can check it out on our Telegram channel.